Turmoil in Technicolor

by Bonny Puckett
Original - Sold
10.000 x 8.000 x 0.125 inches
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Turmoil in Technicolor
Bonny Puckett
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas Board
This acrylic on canvas painting is a dazzling display of vivid hues and frenzied application, with splashes of bold, contrasting colors that collide and intertwine with one another. The use of acrylic paint lends a texture and depth to the canvas with thick layers of paint applied in a free-form and expressive manner.
The overall impression of the artwork is one of intense energy, with no clear focal point or defined shapes. The eye is allowed to wander throughout the piece exploring explosive blasts of overlapping colors in a never-ending dance of wonder and confusion.
Despite the apparent chaos of the piece, there is a sense of underlying order and structure that emerges upon closer examination. The colors are carefully balanced and arranged, with warm tones of red, orange and yellow contrasting against cool blues, turqouises and greens.
This painting is a powerful expression of the artist's emotional state, capturing the intense energy and complexity of an injured mind struggling to make sense of a tumultuous reality, while maintaining a positive outlook.
February 26th, 2023