The Winding River Trail

by Bonny Puckett
The Winding River Trail
Bonny Puckett
Painting - Watercolor
A whimsical abstract watercolor landscape that follows a winding path along a river through trees, and fields of wild flowers.
This work may be interpretted as a study in finding beauty within the imperfect mind. The path may not truly be winding, but the individual walking the path may find themselves easily distracted, frequently sidetracked, overwhelmed, experiencing sensory overload or unfocused on reaching the end point;
Or possibly they may be lost or confused about which direction to take, especially by crossroads or offshoots of the path that seem to lead nowhere but dead ends.
It could also represent the bubbly personality of someone who enjoys the freedom, beauty and wonder of the natural world, and doesn't want to miss one little detail of it. Willing to follow every twist and turn just to see what marvelous beauty lies just around the next corner.
What do you see?
May 3rd, 2022
Comments (7)

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured on the homepage of the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! l/f/pin.

Taphath Foose
Beautiful work, Bonny!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "Mix Your Media"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! 😊