Monarch Caterpillar on the Move

by Bonny Puckett
Monarch Caterpillar on the Move
Bonny Puckett
Photograph - Photography
A Monarch caterpillar inches its way across a milkweed stem in search of his next meal. Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of milkweed plants. The Monarch larva will eat these leaves as they grow to eventually form a chrysalis and make the transformation into a butterfly.
Featured in the following groups:
Lady Photographers and Artists
Pure Nature Photography
USA Photographers Only
The Outdoor Photographer
Macro Marvels
Exploration Photography
Stunning Images
Bugs Bugs and More Bugs
10 Plus
June 13th, 2021
Comments (14)

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your terrific art has been featured on the ABC Group home page from the S IS FOR STRIPES - JUNE 27, 2022 - JULY 4,, 2022 . You are invited to add your wonderful art in the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP as a way to preserve your feature.

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! You are invited to post your art in the Special Feature Archive Discussion in the Camera Art group. Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art You can do that in the "Artist Special Feature Nomination" discussion in the Camera Art Group.

Shoal Hollingsworth
This is wonderful, I nominated this for a Special Feature in the Camera Art group