by Bonny Puckett
Original - Sold
Not Specified
20.000 x 16.000 x 1.500 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Bonny Puckett
Digital Art - Photographic Expressionism
I created this piece yesterday in honor of Flag Day. It proudly displays a waving American flag. Within the piece you will find the word freedom as well as an image of the eagle headdress worn by the Statue of Freedom at the Capitol building of the United States of America in Washington D.C.
This piece is a work of photographic expressionism in which it uses photographs taken by the artist to create a unique piece of artwork using a variety of creative in camera and post processing techniques.
June 15th, 2022
Comments (23)
Gary F Richards
Outstanding Freedom composition, lighting, shading, excellent color and artwork! F/L voted
Bernadette Krupa
Bonny, absolute beautiful capture "Freedom"! Congrats on multiple features - GEEK ART and FUNKY, Your Story of Art and The Top 50 Feature!! L/F
Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Congratulations, your wonderful image has been featured in The Art Network Group -- thanks for sharing it with us! Please feel free to add it to the most recent Thank You and Featured Images Postings Promotional in the Discussion section (using the "embed" link on your image page)
Alex Lapidus
Congratulations, your image has been featured in the Experimental Photography group -- thanks for sharing it with us! Please feel free to add it to the 2022 Feature Archive in the Discussion section (using the "embed" link on your image page).
Nancy Carol Photography
Congratulations! .... and thank you for sharing with us your wonderful work of art that has been proudly presented on the Home Page of the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. If you wish, you may archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs Featured .... Nancy Carol