Dance of the Pelican

by Bonny Puckett
Dance of the Pelican
Bonny Puckett
Photograph - Photography
Dance of the Pelican - A white pelican with wings spread, lifting its foot to scratch its head, looks almost as if he its dancing. Processed using a selective color technique to highlight the bright yellow-orange color of its eyes, beak and feet. Photographed in Gilbert. Arizona at Freestone Park, a local suburban lake.
Featured in:
Just Perfect
Poetic Poultry
Out West 13 States
Artist Buzzz
Top finisher Selective Color Only - Best of 2022
October 4th, 2022
Comments (15)

Luther Fine Art
Z IS FOR ZANY MARCH 6, 2023 - MARCH 13. 2023. You are invited to add your wonderful art in the Features Archive 2023.

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic pelicam capture, Bonny! Gorgeous sunlight, shadows and composition! L/F/P

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Dance of the Pelican composition, lighting, shading, beautiful colors and artwork! F/L vote